Wedding Album
The wedding album is the result of long and careful work. The wedding is prepared by photographers of the bride and groom in every detail. The preparation phase is fundamental: after the introductory meetings with the spouses in our studios in via Solferino, we organize the team with a specific meeting to prepare all the details of the day.
You will always have someone by your side
Our team has been working together for years and is very close-knit and if you choose a Gold or Diamond package you will also have 3 staff available during the entire wedding, to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Approximately 5000 photographs are taken and, in the days following the wedding, a first choice is made and approximately 1500 – 2000 photos are delivered to the Customers.

To you the choice!
At this point the work of the spouses begins: the choice of photographs for their Wedding Album. We offer three possibilities and each newlywed couple is free to choose what they prefer:
Take photos for your album completely independently
Make the choice together with one of our representatives who, with the help of a specific program that greatly facilitates the work, helps and advises the spouses
Leave the task of choosing the photos to our studio
All 1500 photos are delivered to the spouses on various DVDs. The spouses are to all intents and purposes the owners of the photos; these are delivered in very high definition (15 MB each), both in JPG format and on request, in RAW format. Having access to very high resolution photos, the bride and groom will be able to decide in the future to print other images of their wedding, even in large dimensions, such as posters, canvases or other albums.
The photos chosen for the Album are, one by one, processed with Photoshop and Light Room. Once the bride and groom have decided which photos will be part of their album, they will be optimized one by one. A very long process that requires many hours of work. The photos will be cropped, straightened, the white balance, contrast, colors will be adjusted and on some (in agreement with the spouses) effects will be created, always in line with the latest trends (HDR, vignetting, shades, black and white , fine art); furthermore, some photos can be merged with others to create beautiful effects, or, again, the photos can be placed in the album on two side-by-side pages, obtaining a size of 84×30 cm.
At this point the composition of the Album will begin with special graphics programs. The Bride can ask for frames to be inserted into the photos, and for the photos of the flowers, the cake and the rings to be used as backgrounds for the pages. We involve our customers in every phase of the process: two meetings before the wedding and three meetings after the wedding. The newlyweds have the opportunity to check the draft of the Wedding Album with us, which can be modified to refine the details. At this point the cover for the album will be chosen, of which we have dozens of models available: there are covers in leather of every color, in canvas, pleated silk, plexiglass, covers with Swarovski, pearls and much more.