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Who we are

We have been telling the story of your wedding since 1994.

We have been present for twenty years in the heart of Milan and throughout Northern Italy. 

We offer professional wedding photography services at competitive prices.

What our photographers say:

Every wedding is an important day for me, which I prepare with care. At least until the end of the Ceremony I too am in a state of happiness combined with anxiety. The Wedding Photographer is called to transform a Union into History, a great responsibility. Furthermore, every single wedding represents further professional growth for me.

Giovanni Rusconi

Wedding photographer, for over twenty years in the Brera area of Milan, since 1994. Owner of "Fotografi degli Sposi". At a very young age he fell in love with photography and soon decided to attempt a professional career in this field. In 1990 he became a photographer's assistant and after accumulating experience he decided to open his own photography studio. Since 1994 it has attracted professional and emerging photographers in various fields (photography, video, digital image editing, album design) to offer customers maximum availability and a large staff always updated on the latest trends.

The staff

Putting yourself completely at the disposal of the Clients means experiencing their Wedding together with them: from the preparation down to the smallest details (and then feeling that everything is perfectly organized and therefore feeling free from anxiety during the Party), to the creation of a punctual service, without limits. of shots or times.

Immortalizing all the key moments of a long day, full of life and guests, is not easy. For us every wedding is a real celebration, we always experience it with joy combined with the responsibility of having been called to transform your most important day into history.

The constant profusion of our commitment over the years is the reason why we are called to photograph weddings throughout Europe. Our extremely low prices allow us a unique experience: working through word of mouth. We are very involved, kind, and often among the guests there is our next customer.


How to recognize a professional photographer from an amateur

With the era ofdigital and even with the economic crisis, wedding photographers have increased by 300%, as until a few years ago the sector was booming and together with the food sector, it was one of those sectors that did not experience a crisis.

While in recent years there has been a drop in prices, especially in
Northern Italy, as demand has decreased and at the same time supply has increased incredibly. The offer has eventripled compared to previous years.

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Our philosophy

Fotografi degli Sposi photography is a clever mix of the Reportage style (a fresh style, full of life, in which everything happens in a totally natural way and the photographers capture the most significant moments from afar with the help of the most professional cameras and lenses Canon currently on the market), Traditional-Classic (some fundamental posed portraits, for example the photos with the relatives just after the ceremony, or the group photo with all the guests - now made less static thanks to some fun poses suggested by the photographer ), Fine Art Style (some photos are processed to obtain particular, very creative black and white effects, or work on the lights/shadows of the photo which is more expressive).

The illustrative-interpretative style combined with the photojournalistic one allows you to naturally capture all the salient moments of the day, while still suggesting some original poses to the bride and groom. The photographers are very trained and promptly anticipate every important scene, chasing the precious moment, so as not to miss a single one.

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Let's imagine the taxi industry. In recent years it has had to face less demand, given the fact that for example in Milan, for many years, since 2009, theSmart Working. This can be positive in many ways:less downtime for workers, less traffic and less pollution.

However, taxi drivers have noticed a decrease in demand from those workers who used taxis to easily move around the city. Clearly since February 2020 the situation has worsened exponentially, in addition to everyone being stuck at home for thelockdown, many companies have experimented with this new way of working and so we don't believe we will really go back, 100%, to pre-covid.


Thelicenses of theTaxi they suffered a big onedevaluation, given by this uncertainty, going from an estimated value of €230,000 to €180,000.


In the meantime, other tools for mobility in the city have been created, let's think about theChar Sharing, which has itself undergone a contraction in the last period and for example the two largest:DriveNow and Car2Go, they came together to createShareNow. This is to reduce fixed prices, less staff and greater profit.

But not only that, in recent years, other services have also been createdSharing as forElectric scooters, bicycles, electric bicycles, scooters.But also Uber and Uber Black. All this is to the detriment of the taxi industry.


The same thing happened for wedding photographers. Lots of kids who didn't have work thought it best to becomewedding photographers.

These guys started, maybe, doing somecourse online or somecourse improvised by some photographers, who, seeing their earnings from photography decrease, have reinvented themselves by taking courses, which unfortunately, most of the time, are not done properly.

Let's think about how the world of fashion has shrunk. Previously, fashion week lasted about 15 days, while now it lasts 3 days. So also thefashion sector is in crisis and with the advent of cell phones people have started taking photos of themselves. Let's think about the photographers on the beaches of Riccione, before there were 30 and today there are 3.


The professional photographer has studied the art, in Milan we think ofNABA (New Academy of Fine Arts) or to the historical oneBrera Academy, which was founded in 1776 by Maria Theresa of Austria, precisely with the aim of teaching art and removing it from a small niche of people, giving everyone the opportunity to learn the foundations of art.

But not only must he have taken teststheater direction,art history, image composition, framing. Must know the rule of thirds and know how to apply it.

He must know how to arrange people in groups, he must know how to communicate and know how to create the right atmosphere. If the photographer manages to break the ice, with the right words, the people themselves will then ask for the photo and, clearly, the result is completely different. The photo turns out morespontaneous and people are less tense in front of the camera. Fundamental is, therefore, thecommunication.

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How can we recognize a real photographer from an improvised one?

Anyone can buy a Canon or Nixon camera from€400 and present yourself as a professional. At this point it is essential, when you have the interview with the photographer, to know some things to avoid being fooled by the first person who passes by.


For example, a red flag could be the absence ofVAT number.So when you go to meet the photographer, you could try asking theInvoice, this way you are sure not tostumble in someone doing it for the first time or at least one of the first times.


Subsequently you can submit another doubt. It could be said that theDon of the church where you will be getting married is very strict on the subject of photography. Therefore, before starting the ceremony, you could ask the photographer for the Card of the Archbishop's Curia of Milan. So you could check if he has a badge, which is another element of professionalism.


Other questions you can ask the photographer. Equipment questions: How do professional machines differ from amateur machines?

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One difference is that professional equipment, where the camera body instead of costing €450 costs €5400 and the lens instead of €200 will cost €4800 (24-70mm ideal for weddings).


It can also be distinguished by eye, because a professional lens has a circle near the endred, as can be seen in the lens to the right of the photo. It will therefore be enough to ask the photographer, if possible, to show his equipment that he will use on the wedding day.

The lens on the left, however, as you can see, does not have the red circle and is therefore an indication of poor quality. It is not suitable for professional photography, especially during weddings.

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In church, given the poor lighting conditions, professional equipment is necessary and, unfortunately, the same results will not be obtained with low-priced cameras and lenses or with smartphones, even if top of the range. The most important photos are taken in church:the exchange of rings, the signatures, the witnesses, the respective promises and the photos of the moved relatives.

A professional photographer, on average, does 110 weddings a year and therefore knows how to handle every aspect. In our case, we have been doing this job since1994.


We,Bride and groom photographers, for example, we upload all the photos taken at the wedding into a private online photo album with a password and unique link, which the bride and groom can share with the guests, where they can download the photos directly online. Furthermore, we also provide a 256GB flash drive, with all the photos taken, both in low resolution (suitable for sharing on social networks: Facebook, Instagram etc.) but also in very high resolution (suitable instead for making prints, in complete autonomy, paintings, albums, canvases and anything you want).


So how can we recognize whether the photographer is a professional or an amateur?

Another question you could ask the photographer is:What happens after the ceremony?


If he were to answer: Let's take some photos outside with the bride and groom and then go to the reception, he is probably not a professional photographer. The reason is soon to be said.


After the ceremony, we have all the time for signatures, photos on the altar and group photos with relatives. Maybe you are a young couple and don't give too much importance to these photos but let's look at it from another perspective.

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The relatives, therefore, their parents, uncles and grandparents made a lot of effort to be there and to be elegant for the occasion. They are very keen on having a photo with the bride and groom, always in the institutional environment of the church or the Royal Palace. For this reason it isfundamental, both have a good oneequipment, but also knowing these needs, which allow you to give everyone what youthey want, without the need to ask.


The professional photographer knows the80-90% of the reception facilities in the area. In our case ofLombardy. Therefore, if after having communicated to the photographer the location of thereceipt, he will tell you various details, for example he will tell you about the entrance, parking, cake area, table layout and the owner. At this point you will know that you will certainly be better off with a photographer who has already done a photo shoot in the place you have chosen.


Another way to understand if the photographer is a professional or an amateur?

You could ask the photographer for his telephone numberGraphic which deals withPost production. If the photography studio is minimally structured, the owner will certainly not be responsible for the subsequent production of the photos. At this point if he were to give you his number, you know he's a professional who isn't making things up. You can ask the graphic designer the dimensions of the photos for the album, how many types of paper there are and how many formats there are.


Furthermore, a very important element, you should ask the photographer if there are any limitations in the price, in the estimate he has prepared for youtime limits. More often than not, the best comes at the end of the wedding, when all the people let themselves go, everyone is leveled out, everyone feels at ease, chatting in front of the video (if it is present in the estimate) and telling various stories. Everything happens at the end of the evenings, during the dances and the atmosphere is fantastic.

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If the photographer, were to tell you, that he will leave aftercut from thecake, this is a symptom of a photographerhasty and does not have the desire to bring the most beautiful images.


If the photographer stays until the end and goes away with the bride and groom it's aI photograph, not only professional, but who works with the heart and not with thewallet.



How do you recognize a trained photographer from a beginner photographer?

Even fromVideo that it offers you, from the equipment that you can use during your wedding. As with photography cameras, there are cameras that cost little and professional cameras. Even in this case there are problems with the light, so it is essential to have quality equipment.

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Let's remember that you don't have toto trust too many of the photos you see on photographers' websites, unfortunately, you can purchase photos, fromsites third parties, which can be published and that way people will think that they can get a certain type of photo. Let's not trust those photos too much and rather ask, when we are at the photographer's, for examples of albums, so we can see if he has done several weddings or not. Surely if he is a professional photographer he will have several examples to show you.

Returning to the discussion on the video, you can switch to a car that costs about€400 to stabilized professional machines that cost about€8000. Once upon a time, to have a stabilized image, you had to use an assistant that had all this structure, calledSteadicam.

Now, however, everything is solved by having oneprofessional machine which costs starting from €8,000. The camcorder records both inFull HD which, at the request of the spouses, also in4K. With soundDolby Surround Stereo.

This professional machine is mounted on aGimbal, which allows for excellent stabilization but without the excessive weight that theSteadicam.

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Another important question could be thePhoto Booth at the reception, with printing directly there. If the photographer should tell you yes, surely, he is a professional photographer because the Photo Booth involves additional equipment, printers and dedicated assistant for that job.


If you want more information about our packages and want to contact us for a no-obligation quote.Click here.



Brera Academy of Fine Arts:


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