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Writer's pictureGiovanni Rusconi

Wedding videos: why choose to include it in your budget?

Wedding videos: why choose to include it in your budget?

Wedding is a very special moment, destined to be remembered for a lifetime. Hiring a professional photographer to best capture such a magical moment is the best choice to ensure a high quality result that you won't regret in the years to come. We at wedding photographers offer a wide range of packages that adapt to everyone's needs: a high quality service to keep the wedding memories alive for years to come. Among these services, there is one particularly interesting: that of wedding videos.

We often talk about photography packages, but one of the additional services of the professional photographer is that relating to the professional video shooting of the wedding. An optional that many ignore, either because they think that taking photos is enough, or because they choose to rely on an amateur director, who could be, for example, a passionate friend. A choice that may prove disappointing, considering that a professional wedding photography studio has staff specially trained for the professional video shooting service and can guarantee results incomparable with those of an amateur operator.

But even people who automatically cross the idea of a wedding video off their wedding plans are making a choice that could prove disappointing over the years. In this article we will explain why it is advisable to choose the additional professional video shooting service for your wedding.

A picture says more than 1000 words... a wedding video even more so!

Photos are an indelible memory of the most beautiful moment of your life. If these are taken by a professional photographer, it will be an even more pleasant memory to relive: the time spent celebrating the wedding, once passed, can no longer be relived firsthand, but the photos can allow those who participated in the wedding to be able to have a tangible reminder of the emotions felt that day. Nonetheless, a photo, however beautiful and professionally processed it may be, will always remain a static image of the moment passed, which will never be able to completely evoke the atmosphere of joy, also made up of sounds, voices and real-time footage. from multiple angles: if you also choose to use a professional director for wedding videos, you will be able to have, in addition to the photos, also a support that evokes all the elements of the magical atmosphere created on the wedding day, which no static image can ever call back.

A wedding video is a story to tell

Wedding photos are a pleasant medium to browse in the company of friends and relatives, perhaps sipping a cup of tea together and chatting about the best moments spent together. But if you simply want to relive that magical moment by looking at the photos, in any situation that does not necessarily involve the presence of your loved ones, the shots alone can at most recall memories in your mind: memories that over time can fade in details or be distorted (the human mind, as we know, is not perfect, and even if most of the moments spent together are difficult to forget, there are minimal details that could get lost over the years). To relive the moments of the wedding as a true protagonist, there is nothing better than combining the photos with a professional video recording, which allows you to review the most exciting scenes with your own eyes and hear with your own ears the sounds, the music and the voices that characterized such an unforgettable moment.

The wedding video enhances your wedding even more

You will surely have heard of people who get married choosing to rely on a relative friend for the photo shoot, giving up the advantages of the work that only an expert professional photographer can offer. In addition to the people who make this type of choice, there are also those who choose to rely on a professional, but still try to spend as little as possible: in doing so, extra services such as professional video are completely snubbed. Weddings that include a complete professional photographic service, complete with video recording, are less common than you might imagine, thanks to the increasingly pressing desire/need to save as much as possible, even on services that could really make the difference: in after all, marriage happens (hopefully) only once in your life, so why not live it to the fullest? There are many things in your life on which you can save money: at least the most beautiful day of your existence could deserve to be honored in the best possible way. A wedding including professional photos and videos is an event that makes the difference and can make the relationship between you and your partner feel even more special: after all, you only invest a lot in what is worth investing in, and your married life might just be so special that it deserves such an investment.

For once you will be the protagonists of the most beautiful film... yours!

How many of you like watching movies? Probably almost everyone! Have you ever thought about what it means to be the protagonist of a film? Without necessarily becoming professional actors, with the extra services of your trusted photographer you can, at least for one day, be the protagonists of the most beautiful film you could ever imagine: that of your wedding. There will no longer be just the spouses who go in front of a priest to unite as husband and wife or relatives ready to witness the cutting of the wedding cake: all these people will also be protagonists, ready to tell a moment that really happened. For the rest of their lives, they will be able to look back at the video footage and joyfully exclaim: "I was there, on one of the most beautiful days I have ever lived".

If the idea of having a professional video shoot for your wedding fascinates you, we at bride and groom photographers offer the service through our video operator who graduated from the DAMS of Bologna and who also works for Sky TV as a television director: a unique signature of excellence, the best you could wish for to immortalize the most beautiful moment of your life. Discover all the details of the service we offer today!

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